Biztronomy is a vision for the present and the future. Because the spirit of Gastronomy is one of conversation, openness, durability, tolerance and ambition.
Gastronomy is first and foremost an allegiance to values. Without values, there can be no exchange, there can be no enrichment.
This discipline, which Brillat-Savarin called a science, is one of quality above quantity, which is why it makes it durable ; it is one of curiosity above radicalism, which makes it enduring.
By supporting Biztronomy, you support a multi-millennial construction started with during the Greek antiquity and which slowly matured through the last millennia.
A 15 minute subject related to gastronomy serving as a starter. Ideal for conferences. For the time being in Paris and Toulouse. Potentially through visio. More...
From 1h to 2 day sessions, by visio or live, on topics related to gastronomy with a business perspective : History of French Gastronomy, French Art de Vivre, Combining Business and Gastronomy, The Values of Gastronomy.
1/2 day to full day seminars for company and corporate events around gastronomic topics : Discovering company values through Gastronomy, Wine discovery, Team building with Gastronomy
Biztronomy is Sponsored by Cirrus IM